Tuesday, September 29, 2009
She's a climber
Holland can climb up on the couches all by herself now. No help needed from mommy and daddy. :) I placed a mat in front of the couch this past weekend just in case she fell off while she was practicing climbing. Nope, she didn't need it at all. She didn't fall down on her head, she just slid down and landed on her feet. I can't get over how fast she learns and does stuff.
Monday, September 21, 2009
15 month doctor appt
Holland had her 15 month well baby visit today. Dr. Mike said she is doing great! She weighed in at 25 lbs 11 oz and is 32 inches tall. Holland is between the 75-90th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for height. Kirk and I both think she is taller than 32 inches. She got 2 shots and took them like a champ! We took her to Walmart to pick out some girlie looking building blocks that she loves. And, Holland's new achievement for today is she started climbing up on the couch by herself!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
15 months old
Holland is 15 months old today! She changes every day. She is either learning a new word, doing something new, or understanding more. Holland is a little sponge. We did a repeat of the ABCs and she did great. She only missed about 6 letters. I was amazed. I can't even keep up with all the words she says now. It is probably really close to 50 words now. She is getting her 5th and 6th tooth in. We have started introducing the potty chair to her. She has done a number 1 and a number 2 in it. We are not consistent at all right now, but she knows what it is and will sit on it and do her business. I would like for her to be potty trained by 18 months, so it's about time to really work with her on it. She will tell me when she does a number 1 and 2 in her diaper, so she knows how it feels and when it happens. I just need a little more lead time to get her to the potty. :) Holland goes to the doctor on Monday for her shots and well baby checkup. We will know her weight and height then, but I can say she is tall. We have her in 18 month clothes now. Overall, she's doing great and the best thing is SHE HAS NOT BEEN SICK YET! I know! It's amazing! We know she will get sick sometime, but to have gone 15 months has been so great.
Pioneer Reunion - Day 3
The final day of the 78th Annual Clay County Pioneer Reunion and Rodeo. I went to the parade, bought some jewelry, and served dinner to the Pioneers at the VFW Hall. Since it was the final day, we had to take down all the decorations from the dinner. I must say, it comes down a lot faster than it takes to go up. :) Here is Jana Beth and me.

Holland and I went to the rodeo tonight. Saturday night rodeos are when the winning floats come in the arena. Here are a few of the winners. Our neighbors, their kids, and grandkids came with us. Even Kirk came by to see us while on duty.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Pioneer Reunion - Day 2
Today there was a parade, Pioneer dinner, and rodeo. I skipped the parade and went straight to the VFW Hall to get ready to serve dinner to the Pioneers of Clay County. I really enjoy decorating and working with the Klein family. Their family coordinates, runs, and does all the work to have the dinner for the Pioneers. It's just so much fun to be a part of the Pioneer Reunion and give back.

Kicked her boots off and chillin' at home.
Miranda, Jennifer (top), Mary Sue (bottom), and me. We have way too much fun together!
Holland and I went to the rodeo. There was better weather and Cousin Janna and her family came to sit with us in our box seats. Holland gets too occupied watching everything else and won't smile for us when it's picture time, so bare with these pictures. Holland wore her western dress, boots, and her new nechlace. She really did enjoy seeing all the "horsies" and "moo cows".
Kicked her boots off and chillin' at home.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Pioneer Reunion - Day 1
Clay County Pioneer Reunion begins today with a kick off parade at 4pm and then rodeo at 7pm. We will skip the kickoff parade and go to the rodeo this evening with Cousin Clayton and his family. The weather doesn't want to cooperate, but the rodeo must go on. Holland wore her pink John Deere onesie, jeans, brown and pink bling belt, and brown and pink John Deere boots. Too cute!! Second picture has Mary Sue Klein with Holland.

Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day weekend
Happy Labor Day! I was so excited to have a 3 day weekend to get a lot of stuff done that I had been postponing until now. Saturday, we did chores, laundry, and normal house stuff. Kirk and I actually finished texturing the walls in our sunroom! Yeah, paint is next! Saturday was actually a first for me and Holland since I finally let her go outside and walk in the grass. I know! I'm a protective mother. But, my Mom and I are both a little allergic to grass so I've been holding back on letting Holland outside. Holland had a blast walking around the backyard and playing with Piwi.

Sunday after church, I went over to Mom's to put her crib together. She finally bought a crib, but in her defense, she had borrowed one from some relatives. I think it turned out great. Only took me 1 hour to put together.

Holland finally found out how much fun it is to sit in the bay window and watch the cars drive by.
One of my early Sunday morning chores was to clean Holland's room and put up all the old stuff, such as, small clothes, toys, and stuff we used with her when she was younger. In the midst of doing so, we got out Kirk's old childhood rocking chair. Holland knew it was hers now and immediately sat down and sits in it all the time.
Sunday after church, I went over to Mom's to put her crib together. She finally bought a crib, but in her defense, she had borrowed one from some relatives. I think it turned out great. Only took me 1 hour to put together.
Today, Kirk and I dropped off Holland at Grannie's house and we went and worked cattle. It was hot, humid, and tiring, but we got it done! Cousin Clayton showed up to mow and helped us separate the cattle. For us, Labor Day is a day of labor. :) lol I'm so happy to have everything I set out to do this weekend done.
Happy Labor Day!
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