Thursday, May 23, 2013

Holland's PK Graduation

Holland's last day of PK was bittersweet for me.  She's matured and grown so much, but now she will be in school full time and not my little preschooler.  I cried.  She loves all her friends in class, but she may not see some of them next year.  Here she is at her last day of school.
Graduation made me cry even more.  Holland did great.  She was so happy and so proud to have done so well this school year.  Our little girl is growing up way too fast. 
Holland is right in the middle in between her best friends from school, Lakyn and Rylie. 

Congratulations Holland!!!! You are a WCS Star!!!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Disney World - Day 5 (Princess Breakfast & Departure)

Our last day at WDW.  It's so sad to leave this magical place.  So many things to do and see.  I think it would take us a month long vacation to see everything and do everything WDW has to offer.  We had breakfast reservations at Cinderella's Royal Table.  The girls looked lovely in their dresses.  Holland was Aurora/Sleeping Beauty and Britton was Ariel.  We got to go into the park early because of our breakfast reservations and so we had a few more pictures taken without anyone else around.  How cool!

Once you get into Cinderella's Royal Table, you get your picture taken with Cinderella and then the other Princesses will come by your table while you eat.  Unfortunately, Britton wasn't feeling great that morning and didn't want her picture taken. 

Now time for breakfast!  The girls received wands and wishing stars.  They still play with those things.  When we made the reservations, we had told them we were celebrating Holland's birthday, so she received a cupcake and we sang happy birthday to her. 

Yay!  The Princesses!  We saw Snow White, Ariel, Jasmin, and Aurora. 


After breakfast, it was time to head back to the hotel and then to the airport.  The girls got comfortable without hair bows.  They had a great time on the flight.  They played, read, snacked.  We couldn't ask for better behaved kids.

We can't wait to go back to Walt Disney World.  Other than the girls and I having sinus infections while we were there, it was a wonderful and magical vacation.  We are already counting down to Britton's 5th birthday when we go back to WDW.  November 2015!!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Disney World - Day 4 (Hollywood Studios)

Our last full day was so much fun at Disney's Hollywood Studios.  It worked out perfectly that we went on Friday because that was the first day of the Star Wars weekends.  I was so excited!  I'm a huge Star Wars fan.
To kick off the Star Wars weekends, they had performers on center stage and had a huge parade with all the characters in Star Wars. 
Walking around the park were storm troopers.
 Chewy!!!!!!  He was huge!  Towered over everyone.
Now, I had gotten in line for photos with what I thought were some Jedi knights.  Imagine my excitement when I turned the corner and saw Anakin Skywalker!!!  Oh my goodness!!!  He's my favorite character!!!  Kirk was waiting outside the line and saw Anakin replace the two Jedi knights that had been there.  He knew I would be so stoked!
Okay............ enough with my excitement.  We went over to the little kids section of the park and the girls wanted to see Jake and the Never Land Pirates.  How cute! 
It was getting pretty warm by this time so we went in for the Little Mermaid show.  We sat in the first row and when it would rain on stage, we got sprinkled on.  Kirk and I were loving it.  Too bad Britton passed out and missed the whole show. 
I had to get the girls mouse ears with princess crowns on them.  How adorable.  While getting the girls theirs, I had to get me the R2D2 mouse ears.  :)  But, I made sure no pictures were taken with me wearing them. 

After leaving Hollywood Studios, we went back to the room to drop off our stuff before heading back to Magic Kingdom.  We rode a few rides and then bought the girls some new princess dresses for breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table the next morning.  While shopping in the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique for the girls dresses, Holland had some photos taken.  She had a blast!  Did every pose for the photographer.   

On our way out of Magic Kingdom, we got to see Mickey one more time.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Disney World - Day 3 (Animal Kingdom)

Our day started out with a lazy morning getting up and around.  We got dressed and made our way to Animal Kingdom. 
Lunch was at the Rainforest Café.  Girls loved it!  The noises, thunderstorm sounds, and moving animals entertained us all.
Why yes............ I do believe we will celebrate and have the Sparkling Volcano dessert. :)  Total yumfest!
We rode through the safari, walked around the park, and checked out the animals.  What fun!
It was getting pretty warm so we decided to watch The Lion King show.  Oh my gravy........ I cried.... for the 3rd time.  That movie makes me cry anyways, but to hear it live like they perform on Broadway was awesome.
 Who had fun today!?!?!
More Disney Magic!!!!
After a pretty hot day at Animal Kingdom, we were ready for some relaxing pool time.  Here are our girls probably thinking, "not another picture Mom, we want to go swim!" 

The Wilderness Lodge has activities each night and this night, they had roasted marshmallows and a movie.  We didn't stay up for the movie, but the girls had fun roasting marshmallows with Daddy.

The girls found the playground and had a blast!