We took the girls down to Ft Worth to go to the Stockyards, Rodeo, and Zoo. The girls loved it! We made it to the stockyards just in time to see the Longhorn herd walking down the street. The length of the horns are scary! If any of our cattle had horns that long, I would never want to be in the pen with them. Wow!
After the longhorns went back to their pen, we walked around the stockyards. There was a 15 year old longhorn standing there that the kids could sit on. I thought, no way will my girls get up there, but they couldn't wait to get up there and pet him!
I couldn't wait to go do the human maze. I actually got scared at one point when Holland was with me and Kirk had Britton and I couldn't find them. When you go in, you get a card and you are supposed to find spots that have letter punches to spell out M-A-Z-E on your card. We all had a blast!
We walked down to the petting and feeding zoo. The baby goats were so cute!
Next....... dinner then the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo! The girls had been a little under the weather with some allergy/sinus/drainage/congestion stuff and Britton was still taking meds when we went to Ft Worth. Poor thing was getting tired and meds were wearing off by end of the rodeo. I love indoor rodeos!