After the longhorns went back to their pen, we walked around the stockyards. There was a 15 year old longhorn standing there that the kids could sit on. I thought, no way will my girls get up there, but they couldn't wait to get up there and pet him!
I couldn't wait to go do the human maze. I actually got scared at one point when Holland was with me and Kirk had Britton and I couldn't find them. When you go in, you get a card and you are supposed to find spots that have letter punches to spell out M-A-Z-E on your card. We all had a blast!
We walked down to the petting and feeding zoo. The baby goats were so cute!
Next....... dinner then the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo! The girls had been a little under the weather with some allergy/sinus/drainage/congestion stuff and Britton was still taking meds when we went to Ft Worth. Poor thing was getting tired and meds were wearing off by end of the rodeo. I love indoor rodeos!
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