Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break is over

During Spring Break we wanted to get a lot of things done. Our agenda consisted of Easter sugar eggs which are just about done. We didn't get to have the garage sale yet, but it is all set up and ready to go. The spare bedroom is cleaned out, baseboards removed, and we have painted edges of everything. We all got to see doctors this week. The garage was completely cleaned out and we got a new roof on the patio. And, Billy's current residence is the backyard. We got a ton of stuff done and it feels great to have such an accomplishing week. Now we just need good weather for a garage sale and finish painting. Woohoo!!!!!

We all watched Twilight Saga: New Moon today. Loved it!!! Kirk is still on Team Edward, but I have now switched to Team Jacob! We will have to break down and buy the Twilight Saga series on Blu-ray.

1 comment:

catdoc27 said...

Yea Kirk! Team Edward is the best! Do you guys send your illness up north? We just sent Andrew home w/danny's parents (he's been kicked out of daycare for runny poop;) We're both sick, but have to go to work, so they watched A today & said 'let's take him home & you guys can get some sleep', I have mild twitches now-I know he'll be OK...he's just my baby though!